Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare Renewals
Minnesota will restart renewal processes for Medical Assistance in 2023 beginning with the July renewal cohort. Renewals for MinnesotaCare coverage will restart beginning in October 2023 for coverage effective Jan. 1, 2024.
Need help completing your renewal paperwork? Call us today at 612-844-0710 or 855-566-7873 or set up an appointment.
I have Medical Assistance (MA)-What do I need to know about the MA renewals starting in 2023?
- Due to the public health emergency, all Minnesotans with MA coverage received continuous coverage for the past 3 years. This means MA coverage for you and any other family member on MA was automatically renewed. You did not receive the annual renewal forms in the mail. Instead, you received a notice letting you know that your coverage was auto-renewed.

- Now that the public health emergency ended, the annual renewals will begin and you will need to do the following:
- In the event that you moved to a new address, make sure your address is updated by calling your county.
- Be on the lookout for your renewal forms in the mail, review, complete required information, and return them by the due date. Note: renewal forms must be completed and returned within 45 days.
- Remember to include all required verifications, you will most likely have to include proof of income for all working household members.
- Renewals for MA enrollees take place based on the anniversary month of their application for coverage. As a result, Minnesota has 12 monthly Medical Assistance renewal cohorts. You will receive your paperwork when it is your anniversary month (the month you applied for MA).
I need help completing and submitting my MA renewal paperwork, where can I get help?
- Briva has MNsure certified Navigators that can help you review and complete your renewal paperwork; and fax them to the appropriate county.
- Briva Navigators have extensive expertise and can help you understand your notice, update any changes (e.g. income, household, immigration), and determine required verifications for submission.
- Briva Navigators are available to assist all Minnesotans regardless of their geographic location.
- Briva Navigators provide In-person and over the phone assistance. For same day in-person or phone assistance, you can call us at 612-844-0710 or 855-1030. For in-person walk-ins, visit us at our Minneapolis or St. Cloud offices. You may also set up an appointment HERE.
- Briva Navigators speak more than 6 languages and can provide assistance in your preferred language.
For more information about MA renewals: